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Suu Kyi visits refugee camp in Thailand


Myanmar's opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi has visited a refugee camp on the Thai-Myanmar border.

She told the thousands of refugees that their plight was not forgotten.

Al Jazeera's Wayne Hay reports from the border.


Demonstrations carry on through the night in Egypt

Tens of thousands congregated in Tahrir Square and other parts of Egypt to celebrate the imprisonment of the country's former leader, Hosni Mubarak.

Shouting "invalid, invalid", however, the people still congregating in the square as Sunday morning say that the sentence on Saturday, in which he and his sons were also cleared of corruption charges, is flawed.

They are condemning the court judgment saying that it has failed to find anyone directly responsible for the killings of hundreds of people during the Egyptian uprising as well as for a continued lack of accountability for 30 years of abuses under the Mubarak regime.

 Who's Comment = And the west are "free"? pfft lol. N.Y. are talking about banning large sized sodas and you call yourselves free? The pentagon is sending up the same drones they use to murder men women & children in your skies to spy on you, yet you call yourselves free? Transporting raw milk gets you arrested, dancing in public gets you arrested, protesting peacefully gets you a beat down, traveling across country gets u molested, growing your own veggies gets u fined & check points? U still think u are free?



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